Monday 2 June 2014

Mani Monday #1: Essie 'Fiji' and Models Own 'Disco Heaven'.

I wasn't really fussed when the massive hype around Essie's Fiji nail polish emerged a couple of years ago but curiosity got the better of me and I had to pick it up.  There's something about the off white, pink ish shade that screams Summer to me.  I don't know whether that's a subconscious think since it's called 'Fiji'?! Probably not.

Rummaging through my nail polish collection last night, I decided to apply fiji for the first time this year.  The application itself is quite tedious since it takes about 3/4 coats to become opaque but I'm yet to find a shade similar that doesn't need as many layers. I really like the feel of the wide, great quality brush too which doesn't make the whole nail painting process all that bad!

I opted for a nice little topcoat of Models Own's Disco Heaven just to give it a little extra pizazz and I'm pretty happy I did as I absolutely love the combo together!  Models Own is just the Queen of glittery nail polishes, I don't think there's a brand that will ever compare.

What nail polish(es) are you rocking at the moment?!

Grace x


  1. Such a pretty combo! I'm loving Essie Style Hunter :)

  2. The application process of Fiji is a little too much for my liking but damn is it a lovely colour. Disco Heaven looks really good combined with Fiji.

    Raise The Waves

  3. Lovely combo! I just couldn't get on board with Fiji - it was too streaky for me, but perhaps I need to give it a go again after seeing your great post.

    Beccy ~ Bluebell & Bumpkin

  4. Fiji is like...the prettiest nail polish ever :D I also like Spin the Bottle, perfect true nude for pale skin.
    Sara | Passing Fancy

  5. I haven't worn my Fiji polish in ages and these looks so great together I'm going to have to pair it with a glitter myself!

    Jenn | Photo-Jenn-ic

  6. Love the Essie shade!

  7. Love it!!! the essie shade looks lovely, thanks for sharing ♡
    just followed your amazing blog btw :)

  8. I love how you have put them together, looks gorgeous :)
    Sensitive Epidermis | Rainbow

  9. These colours work beautifully together!

    Would love it if you could take a look at my blog and even follow!

    Chloe xx


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