Sunday 22 March 2015

A peek into my week #2

HIYA! This post is kind of what I've done over two weeks because I don't have an exciting enough life to post one every single week.

My family all live about 5 hours away from me (sob) so I like to travel down to Hereford/Wales every month or so to spend time with them. Last Thursday I caught the Megabus to Birmingham and my Mum picked me up from there with her cute tiny new dog, Eliza! LOOK HOW CUTE SHE IS! She's a 10 month old, shih tzu cross maltese and she is just the most well behaved dog I've ever seen. She was in the car for 4 hours and didn't whimper at all, all she wants to do is sit on your knee and cuddle you. Even my Grandad loves her (he's holding her in the photo and he never even strokes dogs). BTW, she was meant to have a 'trim' but she was cut a little too short so that's why her legs look like chicken drumsticks.

It was my Grandad's birthday and we went bowling to celebrate the big 71st because it's his fav thing to do. We went to the pub afterwards and did lots of shots of sambuca and jagermeister and I got horrendously drunk. I tried taking a few selfies but honestly my hair just ruined them every time, I don't want a fringe but I'm seriously running out of options?! It was so nice seeing all of my family and just having a good old laugh with them - here's a pic of me and my poser brother.

Grandad made us all a fry up to cope with our hangovers and it was the best thing ever. I sometimes underestimate the power of fry ups, I genuinely think they have special healing powers.

I just want to read everything I can about blogging at the minute in a bid to make my blog like a thousand times better. I bought Blog Inc a couple of months ago and flicked through a few pages but I've had a good old read of it this week. It's a good book but in short the message is just be consistent, find your niche and interact with other bloggers and that's the recipe for blog success.

I had my tooth taken out on Wednesday, it was a bottom molar. Basically, I hadn't been to the dentist in years and I cracked my tooth about a year ago and didn't do anything about it. It escalated into an abscess which meant I had no option but to go to a dentist which terrifies me more than anything. I'd rather work 10 hours a day, 365 days a year than go to the dentist - that puts in to perspective how much I hate them. I built myself up for my tooth extraction and I DIDN'T EVEN CRY GETTING IT OUT. I thought about posting a photo of my gum but then I realised that was gross and would make me lose all my followers.  I know it's big headed to admit but I'm SO PROUD of myself for actually going through with it. I feel like I could conquer the world (insert arm flexing emoji here).

Because of my successful dentist experience, I wanted to treat myself so I spent FOUR BLOODY POUNDS on this Cadbury Marvellous ice cream. I would pay ten for it. I love it, it's like a fairground in your mouth, defo my new favourite ice cream!

Over the past month, I've been obsessed with Pretty Little Liars and I'm now completely up to date which I'm a bit sad about because I just want there to be a constant stream of episodes. Next week we find out who A is and I have so many theories inside my head, I've accused everyone of being A. Me and my friends are having a little Pretty Little Liars finale party so I won't find out until Friday - eek!

I started watching Glue on 4OD which is a bit like a darker Skins slash murder mystery programme set in the Countryside. Jessie Cave plays a character called Annie who I really like. Whenever I find someone on tv I love, I stalk them on the internet and I found Jessie's website Pindippy. You need to see her Youtube videos, they actually made me laugh a lot and I don't really laugh at a lot of things on Youtube. Anyway, watch Glue too because you'll like it if you liked Skins!

I've been obsessed with Hannah Gale's blog for months now because it's just everything I love in a blog. I feel like I should explain what it's all about but I feel like everyone must know because her blog's too good not to read, y'know? Read it here and I promise you'll find every single post relatable if you're a gal in your twenties like me. I just want Hannah to be my BFF and teach me her blogging ways.

I've wrote a lot in this post, I feel like I could go on and on but my necks hurting and I really want an Options mint hot chocolate so I'm going to end it here as I don't even think a lot of you will have fun reading it. I just loved writing it and that's what it's all about isn't it?

How has your week been? Excited for Monday? ;)


  1. Hi Grace! I love your post - sometimes it's really nice to be nosy at what others have been up to lately. :D Well done on getting through the dentist! Last year I had some pretty horrible times at the dentist (wisdom tooth removal, then that removal caused the cracking of another tooth next to it...) so I'm trying to 'forget' to go this year. I can't handle the anxiety every trip causes!

    PLL - I've just got up to date with the series this week - I can't wait for the next episode in the coming week but then what are we going to with our time until the next series?? :D A theories are getting crazier and crazier. I hope we get something revealed in this finale!

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! I wouldn't say I'm excited for the working week ahead - but I'm looking forward to getting my teeth into more hobbies and my MOOCs Mon-Weds. A burst of productivity before the fun of another weekend rolls around!

    Michelle -x-

    1. Hi Michelle! Thank you so much for leaving such a long and lovely comment - this is definitely the longest comment I've ever received on my blog!

      Your dentist experience sounds awful! I can't believe getting a tooth removed would cause your other one to crack, ouch! I love the feeling after you go and all the anxiousness just lifts from you.

      I KNOW! The fact that we have to wait ages for Season 6 is just depressing. I actually don't know what I'm going to do with my time. I might have to try another show like PLL but I'm running out of options.

      What are MOOCS?! I'm now off to have a read of your blog so I'm sure I'll work it out! ;)


  2. I love reads like this where they are just "normal" and "honest" not trying to impress anyone. Well done on getting your tooth sorted!! I hate the dentist nearly as much as you. Ive been thinking about doing a "My week" post too after seeing a few bloggers do them. So thank you 😊😊

    1. Aaah I'm relieved that you do! I fear that I'm not interesting enough to post them but I love reading everyone elses posts about their general life! I would definitely love to read week posts from you! xxx

  3. I love Jessie Cave , her twitter is great ! Your mums dog is adorable

    Distant Dreamer

  4. Your mum's dog is the cutest thing! I've been obsessed with PLL too, I can't wait to find out who A is. I'm always accusing different characters, it's getting out of hand!

    Maxine, xo

    1. Aaah thanks Maxine, my mum will be well chuffed to hear that! Haha, I am too! Everyday I think it's someone different! xxx

  5. Just found your blog and I love it! It's so nice to read something a bit different sometimes :)

    Lauren xx

    1. Thank you Lauren! That means so much! <3 xx

  6. My problem with Pretty Little Liars is that I am dying to finally find out who A is. But I don't really want to find it out at the same time. I mean, if A is a character I love, I would be devasted. But if A is someone like Alison's dad for example, I would be disappointed. See my struggles?

    1. YES! I will be heartbroken if it's Caleb or Toby as I love them. I kind of think it might be one of the girls but I don't know?! It's just too much to handle! Eeeek! xx

  7. Omg i loved glue, i hope it comes back, really enjoyed it. I'm also a lover of hannahs blog too, shes amazing =]


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