Sunday 4 January 2015

Colab Dry Shampoo Review

There's nothing that excites me more than seeing a Blogger/Youtuber releasing their own range of products so when I saw that Ruth Crilly of A Model Recommends had released her own range of dry shampoo, I just had to get my hands on them!

I didn't want to get ahead of myself and buy the whole range just in case I didn't get on with it so I ended up just picking two of the fragrances that appealed to me the most - London which is a relatively musky fragrance and Tokyo which is an oriental, sort of floral fragrance but I just can't quite put my finger on the exact scent.

When I'm reviewing a dry shampoo, I can't not compare it to my personal favourite and absolute Queen of dry shampoos - Batiste. I much prefer the Colab bottle design to the Batiste offerings as they're sleek, more grown up and they look expensive but that's where my love for the Colab dry shampoo stops unfortunately.

I wash my hair every two days but I really need help from dry shampoo in between washes as my hair does get very greasy as I tend to touch it a lot throughout the day. I found that I had to apply a lot of dry shampoo for my hair to even look a little bit less greasy and even then, I didn't feel comfortable enough to wear my hair down since it looked so dull so I had put it up instead. There's absolutely no white, chalky-ness at all with this and I think that's maybe where my problem is. I feel like I need that as it seems to be the thing that makes my hair feel cleaner and brighter.  The texture to my hair felt really oily after I'd applied the dry shampoo but this could be because I put on quite a lot as I felt as though I wasn't getting anything from it.

I'll definitely be sticking to Batiste unless curiosity gets the better of me again and will just use my Colab offerings when I've washed my hair but feel as though it's a little bit dull or could do with a little more volume.  All in all, I'd say don't rush out to buy the Colab dry shampoos but I have seen a lot of good reviews on the product so it's possibly one of those products that works for certain hair types. It's just not for me unfortunately which makes me sad as I wanted to love it!

If I haven't put you off, you can pick up the Colab dry shampoos here for £3.49 a bottle!


  1. Totally agree with you, I felt it just left my hair oily and I had used half a can before it looked somewhat decent. x

    Jordan | Keep Dreaming ♥

    1. So disappointing isn't it?! I had such high hopes for the product. xx

  2. Aw what a shame, I love cola but I use it just to freshen up my hair rather than for really greasy days!!! So maybe that's why..

    Emma xx

    1. Yeah possibly, maybe my hair just gets greasier than everyone elses! xxx

  3. I'm sorry this was such a dud, it's really tricky to find a good dry shampoo

    Wishing you the loveliest 2015 x

    Stefanie | Casualllyawkward | Bloglovin

  4. I was really looking forward to these dry shampoos, but if they're not that great I'll just stick with my Batiste ! Good review though :) x

    1. I'd definitely advise you to stick to your Batiste dry shampoos! xx

  5. They sound great and they seem like the smell amazing which I would love to get if I only lived in the UK.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale | bloglovin' |

  6. Sucks that I didn't work for you, I am planning to give it a go soon, as there are so many mix opinions on it. x

  7. Great review... I always stick with my batiste dry shampoo too :)

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