Saturday 1 February 2014

A little update...

Hello! It's been a while, a whole month infact!  Three weeks ago, my boyfriend and I took the plunge and decided to rent our first little house together.  After two years of living with his parents, it was definitely much needed and we've been super busy making our house into a cosy home which partly explains why I've been absent from my blog.

Throughout January I umm'ed and aah'ed whether to just give up on my blog. I questioned whether my heart was really in it, whether anybody enjoyed reading my blog and whether there was a place in the blogging world for me. I've never really given it my all and blogged as consistently as I could have - hats off to those of you that do!  I think there's a few reasons that always put me off posting - one, when I get in from work, it's always too dark to take pictures which means I have to bulk photograph products at the weekends which is ok but I often find that I want to blog about something different to what I've photographed! Two, I'll read blogs and think my blog will never be as good as this one.  I know that I shouldn't think that but I do and it completely puts me off posting!

Despite being a negative Nancy, I absolutely love writing. I love reading other people's blogs. I love reading comments. I love participating in #bbloggers chats on Twitter. I love the whole blogging community. I even love taking pictures which means that I could never give up on my little baby (this blog, haha), at least not any time soon anyway. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is SORRY FOR BEING A RUBBISH BLOGGER! In 2014, I plan to develop my blog into lifestyle posts as well as beauty, to post about things that I'm not 100% confident about but still excite me, to even try recipe posts (and to not burn down my kitchen in the process).  I'm going to try and blog every couple of days and will schedule posts for when I know I'm not going to be able to blog or for when I'm having a rubbish day.

I thank you all for following my little blog, reading my posts and even taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate it all and promise to make my blog a more exciting and frequent read (I hope!).

Grace x


  1. ooh congratulations on the move! That's so exciting :) You are not a rubbish blogger, and of course we enjoy reading your blog, that's why we followed!


    1. aww thanks Ellie! really appreciate the comment :) xx

  2. Congratulations on getting your new home! I always find the photos I have don't match up with the posts I want to write as well, so annoying!
    Water Painted Dreams xxx

  3. It's good to see you back! I'm the same, I always think "I wish my photographs were as good as hers" or "I wish I was doing something exciting to write about" but at the end of the day I love my little corner of the internet where I can just write about what I love, whether anyone reads it or not!


    1. Thanks a lot Emma! Exactly, I absolutely love your blog as it is :) xxx


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