Friday 17 February 2012

I like kindness.

Hiya everyone! Do you remember me?! I'm so sorry that I haven't blogged in what feels like a million years (in reality - a month or so!) but I do have a pretty good excuse.  I've recently started a new 9-5 monday-friday job that involves staring at a computer screen for a good part of my day and when I get home I just feel like I don't really want to spend time on my computer.  I think that's going to change though cause I feel like I've got my blog back on!

On with the post, about three weeks ago I signed up for a RAK swap on the absolutely lovely char's blog.  If you haven't heard of RAK, RAK stands for Random Act of Kindness.  Basically, Char paired a bunch of us bloggers up with one another and we all exchanged little bundles of cuteness for the price of £10.  I found that £10 is a really difficult budget to stick to because everything is so expensive but I tried my best for Rosie!  I'm really glad I got paired with Rosie because I now find myself reading her blog religiously when before, I didn't even realise it existed!

Before I show you my goodies off Rosie, I'd like to apologise for the pictures.  I didn't realise that there were shadows in the pictures at the time of my excitement! EEP!

 Overall, I am extremely happy with everything Rosie got me.  I absolutely love the lashes and can't wait to wear them but i'm saving them for a night out! The nail wraps and pink dazzle dust are something I wouldn't normally buy myself so it was great to receive them in a RAK swap.  I never thought a pink eyeshadow would suit my but this one is absolutely stunning and I've fallen in love with it.  I think i'll give the nail wraps a whirl this weekend and see how I get on with them.  The blueberry lip balm smells out of this worrrrld and it's taking pride of place on my desk at work.  How beautiful and glitzy is the nail varnish too? Definitely going to have to add a bit of glam to my nails with that soon!

So a massive thanks to Rosie - Who's blog you should all check out by the way ;) and Rosie, I hope you like the RAK I sent you!

Also, a massive thank you for 650 followers! and if you've recently just started following my blog, say hello so I can look at all of your blogs too!


  1. this is such a cute idea! I love receiving things in the post and I love picking things out to buy for other people!

    1. Me too! Especially when you don't know what they're going to be! :) xx

  2. I love RAKs! The nail polish is so gorgeous, Rosie got you some lovely things :) xxx

  3. Oh this is such a cute idea! I really want to try some nail wraps.
    I've started following your blog fairly recently, if you're ever bored and fancy finding more to read, mine's
    Lovely to have you back! :)

    e x

  4. You got such nice things! I love getting nice packages in the mail :D


  5. Thats such an adorable idea! Love everything you got. Especially the nail polish
    Charlotte Couture Blog

  6. ive never heard of it but its the cutest idea ever!! for £10 you got quite a selection :) xxx

    following xx

  7. I am going to have to do this! Such a good idea and a great way to brighten up someone's day. Who doesn't love getting presents in the post? Anyway, if you get a sec would be great if you could check out my blog, only just started!

  8. That is such a good idea, she done really well getting all that lovely stuff for a tenner!

    lovely blog 2!


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