Tuesday 23 December 2014

The Christmas Tag

2 days to go and I can barely contain my excitement! I spied this Christmas Tag on Becky's blog and just couldn't resist doing it myself.

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?

Love Actually will always be my favourite Christmas movie but I generally love any! I try to watch as many Christmas movies as possible before the big day. I know this is cheating but I always watch the Gavin and Stacey Christmas special whilst wrapping presents as it just puts me into such a festive mood! 

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

I don't know how this tradition started but for as long as I can remember, we have always opened one present on Christmas Eve and the rest as soon as we wake up on Christmas Morning. I could never be one of those people who wait until after Christmas dinner to open their prezzies! 

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?

I have so many favourite Christmas memories so this is a toughie! One of my faves was when we had Christmas at my Grandad's house and my brothers, sisters, aunty and I couldn't get to sleep as we were so excited so we just tried to stay awake until the morning. Eventually we all fell to sleep but it was so fun trying to stay away - I think that was the most excited I've ever been! That was also the Christmas my Grandad set his hair on fire whilst checking on the turkey. So funny! 
4. Favourite festive food?

This is a recent favourite for me but MR KIPLING'S FROSTED FANCIES! They are the most gorgeous, melt in your mouth cakes I've ever eaten. I think I could eat all 8 in one go...not even joking! If you haven't tried them yet, grab a pack ASAP!

5. Favourite Christmas gift? 

My favourite Christmas gift was when I got one of those TV's with the built in video players in it. I thought I was the coolest person in the world and just spent hours re-watching the same videos cause I didn't have very many, haha. My micro scooter was a close second though. I used to spend hours on that bad boy.

6. Favourite Christmas scent?

I love the scent of gingerbread but I also love the fresh pine needle scent! I can't choose so I'll have those two. 
7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?

We open a present at Midnight and put our pyjamas on really early. My Mum usually disappears to wrap presents and we don't see her until about 11pm.

8. What tops your tree?

It used to always be an angel but it's recently changed to a star.

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?

This isn't crazy, wild or even extravagant in the slightest. The one present I ALWAYS asked for was the Get Set Chocolate Factory. My mum would never buy it for me as she said it was a waste of money but honestly, I dreamed of this! I even saw it in Woolworths after Christmas and it was half price but I still wasn't allowed to buy it!

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?

Spending time with family, seeing them happy and watching their faces as they unwrap the gifts I spent all year working to buy. Just joking - but I do like seeing them unwrap their prezzies! 

AAAH,  I feel super Christmassy now! I tag the following people to do this tag:

Natalie at Life is but a Peach 
Hailey at Hailey and The Beauty Blog 
Nuala at All of a Flutter 
Eloise at Frolics and Fashion


  1. Love the TAG xx interesting answers x

  2. Haha I lOVED reading your answers and now I'm feeling super festive! I love the memories of your past Christmasses! I have also tried to stay up all night waiting for Christmas but I always wake up really early on Christmas day anyway :)

    Hope you have a great Chrsitmas. I'm following you on blogloving. I really love your posts! x x


  3. love actually is my favorite as well, hope you have a nice christmas!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

  4. such a lovely tag post!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc.com

  5. Nice tag!! I like your blog!!
    would you like to follow each other? let me know...I always follow back.
    Besos, desde EspaƱa, Marcela♥

  6. Great post ! <3
    Would you like to follow each other?

  7. Loved reading about you xx happy new year :D Check out my new blog post! I'm in need of some followers, thank you! X http://xbeyoutifulx.blogspot.co.uk


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